• We ask that you have completed at least one military enlistment from a professional military (preferably NATO or NATO type standards), be physically and mentally fit, be of good legal and moral standing, and have no ties to any pro-Russian or hateful groups or ideologies.

  • You must fill out the application on the Join Us page. From there you will be contacted by a recruitment officer and assessed for further interviews.

    Once you pass your interviews, you will be given instructions on how to get to Ukraine.

    Finally, you will meet us in person and we will onboard you onto our team.

  • We are firm in not allowing non ex-military persons from joining our combat units. It's for our and your safety.

    We do sometimes recruit for specific non-combat roles like rear medical staff and mechanics on an as needed basis.

  • A strongly recommended packing list can be found HERE.

  • The majority of our soldiers use NATO compatible firearms. This includes several types of M4, CZ Bren 1 + 2, FN SCAR, Colt C7, etc.

    Specialty weapons including many different types of sniper rifles, crew served weapons, and anti tank weapons.

  • We are official soldiers within the Ukrainian military and intelligence apparatus.

    We have absolutely no ties to any other country. We are FORMER soldiers from professional militaries.

  • We are legal soldiers of Ukraine. This affords us all the rights of military and international law.

    We are professionals motivated by our dedication to Ukraine. We are not mercenaries and consider the term insulting.

  • The basics are the key to success in Ukraine. We believe that everything from deliberate and clear mission planning through the operational orders and military decision making process are key to winning the war. We train continuously on not only tactics and individual skills, but also the Troop Leading Procedures - which we expect every one of our leaders to follow.